Marketing with Facebook: Lesson 2 & NighLon News

I have been slack the last week, but its all for the greater good of marketing.

I have been working on a few surprises for you, isn’t that exciting?

1. I now own the domain

2. I am moving to a self-hosted blog .

(this will allow me to share more goodies with you)

3. I have a new newsletter in the works.

4. I am working on a “Best of the Web”  Weekly LinkUp party.

(If  you would like to participate, just comment and I will get to you with the details)

There will be so many other goodies coming your way!

On to today’s lesson.

I have one more basic lesson for you and next week we will be jumping into the fun stuff!

Today’s lesson is on how to add a Facebook like box to your site.

Assuming that you have already set up your Facebook fanpage, you have everything you need to do this.

There are several ways to do it.

A.  You can do it in your blog dashboard


  1. From your dashboard, go to your appearance menu
  2. Click Widgets
  3. Find the Widget labeled: Facebook Like Box, place it in your sidebar.
  4. Fill out the information and save
  5. Tips: Choose either show faces or show feed for a more streamlined look. Also, it will look better if it is the width of your sidebar. For example, my sidebar is just over 300 pixels, so I chose to make my box 300 pixels wide.


  1. Log into Facebook
  2. Scroll down and find the link to your page on the left sidebar, click the link
  3. Click “edit page” on the top right
  4. On the left side of the page, there will be a list of actions, click resources
  5. Select “social plugins” from the grey box
  6. Scroll down and select “Like Box” you will be here: 
  7. Fill out the fields to acquire the look you want. You can use my qualities as a reference. 
  8. Click “get code”
  9. You will then see a “pop up” window
  10. Select and copy the code from the bottom box
  11. Go to your blogger dashboard- click design.
  12. Under Page Elements, click “add a gadget”
  13. Scroll down and find “HTML/ JAVA script” click the blue plus sign
  14. Paste the code from facebook in the content box
  15. click save
  16. Arrange that widget where you would like your new like box to appear
  17. enjoy getting more facebook likes

Other Blogs/ Website Creators:

Follow the directions for Blogger (steps 1-10)

Place the code in your editor where you would like it

This was pretty simple, now we can get on to the fun stuff!

Next week: Tips for creating a FABULOUS landing page for Facebook!

Enjoy, and if you have any questions, just comment and I will help you out.

About NighLon

MARKETER, SAHM, wife, graphic designer, web designer, tweek (twitter addict), blogger, and self proclaimed social media guru.

Posted on January 29, 2012, in Facebook, NighLon Updates, Social Networks and tagged , , , , , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 10 Comments.

  1. thanks Cari,
    I always love the help.

  2. You are welcome! Next week will be fun!

  3. I have the facebook thing, I need help with the RSS feed! Your blog rocks, btw, and I would LOVE to someday be part of the best of the web:)

  4. Thanks! I think we can manage that! To be honest with you, I struggle with RSS feed. But, I promise that when I figure it out, I will share what I learn.

  5. I’m not sure why but every code that I’m given won’t show up on my site. I use to use this back before fb changed to add the java script and it worked – but now none of them show. I have a self hosted WP, not sure if I’m doing something wrong now or what? Any clue or suggestions? I normally used a text box widget (because there are no other choices in my widget area) place the code and save…


  6. Your patience, your willingness to support and help others makes me clap for you and say “bravo.” And, on top of all your techie smarts, you’re a wife and mom. Thanks for being you!

  7. Thank you! You really did just make my day! That meant so much to me!

  8. This is SUCH great, detailed info! Thank you so much for posting this for us, um, less, um, smart…no, that’s not it…um, challenged – yeah, that’s it! Us FB challenged geniuses 🙂

  9. I like the way you put that! I just want people who are not marketing mavens to be able to use my blog. Thanks for following along. Fun stuff is up next!

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