Blog Archives

Highlights from Christmas & A Gift

Christmas 2011 was extremely exciting for me.

This was the first year that my son had any clue what was going on, so that was extremely exciting.

He is only 15 months old and received a guitar collection, and MEGA BLOCKS, of course!

My husband rocks and I got a new camera, computer, and other awesome gadget!

Yes, readers of Nighlon will benefit from this.

you can get a blank copy of this Christmas memory frame here

have fun with it, but please be sure to read my terms of use.

Today, I am giving you a recap of the

here are the blogs Nighlon linked to for the 25 days of Christmas




I hope you enjoyed these blogs and got some goodies from them.

If there are other blogs you would like to see NighLon feature, let me know.

I’m always looking for new blogs, I’m a junkie.

Coming up: a recap of 2011; NighLon goals for 2012; and amazing featured blog; and some great tips and tutorials.

I have some huge plans for NighLon in 2012.

Happy New Year!

Happiness Day is TODAY!

Today was very frustrating to me.

I won’t go into many details.

All I will say is this: People should be more thankful!

No matter your situation, there is always something to be thankful for.

It saddens me to see that this is the world my son will grow up in.

In light of this, I have decided to start a new project.

I want to make a difference and make the world a happier place!

Enter: BEAUTIFUL IMPERFECTION: life is perfect, even when its not!

As I’m sure you have read before, Beautiful Imperfection is my mommy blog.

Its kind of cute too (I’m proud of it)

Here, I am going to start a challenge. A challenge to be a positive inspiration to people.

To encourage others to be happier.

To encourage others to look around them and see what they have to be thankful for.

I will share with you when the details are complete.

Now for some fun!

I have decided to follow in an old family tradition with NighLon.

In my family, my family left the Christmas Tree up until January 2, every year.

This was to bring something good from the old year into the new year.

Following in this tradition, I am going to keep the blog kit giveaway going until  January 3rd.

Just follow the requirements HERE by January 3rd, and you will receive a free custom blog kit!

On to the

Today, I am featuring The Sweet Life.

I literally just ran across this blog and had to postpone the other blogs I had lined up.

She goes so well with today’s post.

Steph is inspiring!

Her blog is so happy.

I love her bucket list.

Of course, I love lists, and she has a lot of them.

In fact; she shared one today, and I am going to pass it along!

1. Eggnog or hot chocolate?
BOTH… do I really have to choose?
2. Does Santa wrap presents or just set them under the tree?
Santa wrapped presents, but we had to pick out the paper because Santa wrapped at our house.
Thats the only way he knew which gift went where.
I think Mom and Dad presents will be wrapped for the Tbomb, and unwrapped from santa.
3. Colored lights on tree/house or white?
4. Do you hang mistletoe?
This was the first year I didn’t
5. When do you put your decorations up?
Growing up, it was the day after thanksgiving, but my husband and I put it up mid November
6. What is your favorite holiday dish?
RED VELVET CAKE and Christmas Eve Low Country Boil
7. Favorite holiday memory as a child?
There are way too many, I cannot choose one!
8. When and how did you learn the truth about Santa?
I was 8, my dad’s friend told me.
9. Do you open a gift on Christmas Eve?
Yes. It was always new Jammies

10. How do you decorate your Christmas tree?
With very special ornaments. They all have a story.

11. Snow! Love it or dread it?
Dread it! That is changing now that I have a little one!

12. Can you ice skate?
I am entirely too clumsy for that! I like to watch people ice skate though!

13. Do you remember your favorite gift?
Finding out I was pregnant! Yep, that tops it.
Next would be when my mom bought me a globe. She put a note on it that said:
“You deserve the world, and now you have it!”

14. What’s the most important thing about the holidays for you?
Being surrounded by those I love, teaching my son the real reason for Christmas, and helping others.

15. What is your favorite holiday dessert?

16. What is your favorite holiday tradition?
Special coffee and everyone cooking together.

17. What tops your tree?
It was a star growing up, but my husband likes the Angel, so thats what we have this year.
18. Which do you prefer: giving or receiving?
GIVING! I love doing something special for those I love. I especially love making gifts.
19. Candy canes: yuck or yum?
20. Favorite Christmas show?
The Life and Adventures of Santa Claus and A Christmas Story

21. Saddest Christmas song?

Christmas Shoes

22. What’s your favorite Christmas song?
Baby, Its Cold Outside and O Holy Night
Go on over to
and send some Christmas Love
I truly hope I spread some Christmas Cheer
Coming soon: my very own happiness project/ challenge!

Christmas Present from NighLon

I can’t believe it…

Christmas is almost here!

Of course, I feel like a kid!

I have a special Christmas gift for you.

A free blog kit, created by yours truly.

Merry Christmas and enjoy!

Kit includes:


customizable header

pennant border

another border

customizable badge

This kit will work for blogger and wordpress.

just click on what you want and to download.

Have fun, and if you need any help customizing, just comment or go here

Coming soon: several more blog kits, facebook tutorial, and exciting news!

Merry Christmas

Fabulously Geeky Giveaway at Flutterhappy

I hope you guys all remember me mentioning one of my favorite blogs: FLUTTERHAPPY.

She made my inbox happy once again today.

I wasn’t feeling like the internet loved me very much today, and then I checked my email.

Arvee is at it again, giving away this fabulous camera bag from Izzoshop.

Meet the Molly Bag

source: flutterhappy

source: flutterhappy

As much as I want to win this bag, I am sharing the opportunity with my readers.

Besides, her blog is too good to pass up once again!

Just go to FLUTTERHAPPY  for details on entering.

Be sure to let her know I sent you!

Merry Christmas and Good Luck!

My New Adventure & Getting Organized

I know, I got behind again.

Organizing is not my thing lately, but we will get to that later!

First, I have some really exciting news.

created by Angie

Angie at Mystic Made made this beautiful pixel email signature for me!

Oh, how I love Christmas.

I adore these little works of art, so as a gift to myself I am going to learn how to do them.

I have joined a mentor site, set up a blog so showcase my lessons on, and I am so excited!

Lucky for you guys, there are gifts all around today.

Here is a scrap page I put together from the lovely work of Aimee at

Just insert your own picture and enjoy!

layout by nighlon; graphics by

Just click on the image, it will take you to the download.

On to the

Organize With Sandy has become one of my favorite blogs.

Like I said before, organizing has not been my thing lately.

Its hard to believe that I was at one time the most organized person I know.

The sad part is, I have no clue what happened.

On to Sandy. She is wonderful. She is talented. She is a geek. She is organized.

What could be better? When I read her blog, I often think…

“Oh yeah, she is genius… I want to be her when I finally grow up!”

Not only will you find ways of organizing; stories about being a mom and a wife; and definitely some motivation!

Hop on over to Organize With Sandy, Just let her know I sent you!

Merry Christmas